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Unix command line fundamentals

Unix command line fundamentals

The Unix command line, also known as the terminal or shell, is a powerful tool that allows you to control operation systems (OSs) directly with text commands. While it might seem intimidating or strange at first, Unix systems offers a lot of flexibility and efficiency beyond what the Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs) offer. In addition, complex calculations and data analyses are often run on High-performance computing (HPC) clusters; and HPC clusters are often operated in Unix systems. 

In this workshop, we will start with the basics of Unix commands, learn to navigate through folders, and view files. 

You will need a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer to participate. Students can borrow a laptop through the library’s Tech Lending program. If you need assistance to fully participate in this workshop, or have an accessibility request, please contact the instructor in advance.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025
1:00pm - 3:00pm
The Catalyst (Parks 199)
  Faculty     Grad students & postdocs     ISU staff     Undergrads  
  Workshop > The Catalyst  
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